Employees - Musician Controller (assign employees to play musical instruments): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employees - Massage Controller (Assign an employee to sell and perform massages): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employees - Maintenence Controller (Assign an employee to do maintenence chores): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employees - Gardening Controller (Assign employees to garden): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employees - Fishing Controller (Assign employees to fish): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employees - Fairly Paid Regulator: Monique at MTS2.
Employees - Digging Controller (Assign employees to dig): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employees - Car Restoration Controller (Assign employees to repair the restorable car): Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Employee Only Coffee Maker: Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Custom Objects Placeable on Open for Business Shelves: By a hack - Numenor at MTS2 or by a batch fix (better - recommended) - Instructions by Numenor at MTS2.
Customer Limit Adjuster: Paladin at SimWardrobe.
Customer Generator: Inge Jones at SimLogical.
Crafting - Flowers Buyable: Lucas at AussieTopenders.
Crafting - Craftable Objects Supplier (Buyable): Monique at MTS2.
Crafting - Craft Objects from OfB Buyable: Windkeeper at MTS2.
Crafting - Craft Cheaper: anger_management at MTS2.
Business Macros (Business Controls You!): JM Pescado at MATY.
Bladderfull Fountain (Increases all sims bladder except current selectable sim/family): Inge Jones at SimLogical (useful with Inge's pay toilet).
Automatic Open Sign: Inge Jones at SimLogical.
Anti Business Decay: JM Pescado at MATY.
For community objects buyable on residential lots, or residential objects buyable on community lots, please see: Hacks and Hacked Objects: Building, Buying, and Lots.
This content is focused on items and hacks relating to jobs, careers, finances, business (including Open for Business-specific or useful items) and money.